I'll do a real post soon, I promise. I'm just TOTALLY overwhelmed with all kinds of things right now. One of them being Christmas cards. So here's how you can help me: if you want a Christmas card from us, leave me your address. And you better believe that if I'm sending one to you, I want one from you too! (Our address is 1104 E Washington St, Boise, ID 83712) Can't wait to see all your cute faces!
The last couple months...
** I just typed up a whole bunch of stuff for all these photos and when I pushed "Publish Post" Blogger said it could not process my request. So I lost it all! Grrr... **
Our lil' baby girl is growing up. She is now 10 months old and cuter than ever. She's learning new tricks all the time--waving, clapping, funny sounds with her mouth, saying "uh-oh" (but forgetting the "oh" part), pulling up on stuff....but still no crawling. :) Some may say she's lazy, we say she's content. We try to encourage her to crawl by helping her onto her knees and putting her favorite toys out in front of her, but to no avail. She just wants to eat and sit around--not the best lifestyle choices. People keep saying not to rush her, so I'm trying not to. I like that she still stays wherever I put her, but when I walk away and she whines, it would be nice if she could just follow me. All in good time, I guess.
Harper LOVES bath time. This is often where she does her best thinking...and screeching. She loves to play with her rubber duckies and splash.
A while back my mom and sisters came to visit and in typical Williams family fashion, we didn't take hardly any pictures until they were leaving. But it was SO great to have them here. I miss my fam!
Back in August we went to the Boise Music Festival at Ann Morrison Park in downtown Boise. They had music (obviously), food, and hot air balloons at dusk. The balloons were really pretty. Harper slept the whole time (that's her in the background) but it was a nice evening for us to get out and do something different.
Grandma Williams & Harper...they love each other.
Karli gave Harper this ADORABLE outfit. Harper is quite the stylish chic...thanks to all our family!
This girl LOVES to eat. She's resisting baby food more and more and just wants what we're having. One of her favorites is spaghetti--she must be my baby! She makes quite a mess and is mostly fine with it, except when things stick to her hands. She'll grab a big handful of whatever, shove it in her mouth, and then shake her hands until all "danglies" are off. Again, she must be my child. :)
For Halloween Harper was the cutest lil' skunk you ever saw. My extremely talented mother made her this costume. Thanks Ma! Harper was the most adorable at ALL Halloween activities we attended...at least we thought so. Here she is with Grandpa Fly at Sunday dinner.
Our little family on Halloween. No, Chase and I didn't dress up. We really don't like to. We love to see all the kids dressed up, but adults make us...uncomfortable. We're kind of Halloween scrooges. :)
We tried to make Harper a bit more skunk-like by putting her on all fours. She wasn't really a fan, but it was cute!
Hope you all had a wonderful Halloween!
I'm Weird
So I just spent like the last hour looking at how others organize their stuff. I LOVE doing that! I love seeing organizers and bins and baskets and glass jars all neatly filled with crap...but it looks so pretty!
My latest obsession? Organized pantries. For those who may not know, I have become a coupon-crazy person. Seriously, it saves us SO much money. (For example, last month I spent $129.96 on ALL groceries--food, toiletries, etc.--that would have cost $756.33. That means I saved $626.37 or 82%!!! And a special thanks to the hubs for making me a sweet spreadsheet so I don't have to do the math.) Anyway, that's besides the point. My obsession today was with organized, pretty pantries because I have all kinds of food coming out my ears...and my shelves. I may not get a pretty pantry like this, but a woman can dream.
So am I the only one who envies others' organization?
**Something weird is going on and a few of the pictures are bigger than the others and are therefore getting cut off. Sorry to anyone whose face is gone!**
About a month ago we went camping with the Fly family. (Okay, I started this post a couple weeks ago...so now it's been probably closer to 2 months ago that we went camping.) We went to a place called Pen Basin up around Warm Lakeish. It was gorgeous! Warm days and COLD nights. So in preparation for this trip Harper had to try on any warm hats she had. Here is she modeling what she's got...

Harper loves Gma Fly

She also loves to be cuddled by Daddy in the cold mornings.

Here are the kiddos that went...Mom & Dad Fly (and their pups) not pictured

LOVE foil dinners. They never get old and they always taste so delicious when camping!

The Harpo and Daddy cuddling in the morning. I was so worried about her being freezing at night that I totally over-layered her (but in my defense it was like 38 degrees overnight) and she was actually sweating.

Don't you love the hat? Thanks Jo!

Mom & Pop making scones in the morning. They're the best!

Hi Lisa!

Bennett & Madelyn (our nieces) are adorable! They were loving all the dirt...

Chase & I spent one night at the cabin after camping and in the morning we woke up to these cute things in the front yard.
I love nature!
We've spent some time at Chase's G&G Fly's cabin in Cascade, ID so Harper and I could be with Chase in the evenings while he's working up there. It's been SO nice to be able to be with him. Harper and I have spent our time reading, playing, going for walks, venturing into town, and....getting bored. It's awfully quiet up there, which is nice at first, but then makes you a little nutty. But I don't want to complain. It's gorgeous up there and we love it!

Harper likes to eat outside. Whenever she fights eating her DELICIOUS concoctions of rice cereal, sweet peas and peaches :) we go outside to eat and it seems to appease her.

Laughin it up on the couch on the porch
My mom got Harper an adorable inflatable swimming pool before we went to the coast. We used it the weekend after we got back. Here is us getting ready. I was convinced that we would spend longer getting ready (swimsuit, sunscreen, hat, etc) than she would actually spend in the pool. I gave the pool 45 seconds tops. With lots of screaming.

We had filled up the pool earlier in the afternoon so the sun would have time to heat the water a little bit. (You should hear the screams if her bath isn't warm enough. I was prepared.)
We started with the feet...she wasn't too sure.
A little bit of whimpering...

But pretty soon she was just chillaxin (hate that word), arm out, sittin in the pool like a big kid. I told Chase all she needed was a nice Diet Coke. :)
(Look at those rolls!)

Aren't they the CUTEST?!

Lovin the pool

We sure do love this little girl. She keeps getting cuter and cuter, despite my thoughts that 'Okay, THIS is her cutest age. It can't get any better.'
But then it does.
July was a BUSY month! It felt like we were never home. But what a fun month it was. First was the Fly Family Reunion in Cascade, ID (which I already blogged about) then Megan Fly Hollenback's college graduation from BYU-I (LOVE YOU MEGS! CONGRATULATIONS!) then the Oregon Coast with the Williams family. (Wanna go back, anyone?) All such fun.
The pictures mostly document what Harper did at all these places...you can assume we were there, too. :)
Rexburg, ID
Megan's Graduation from BYU-I

Megan, the beautiful grad

Hmmm...someone snuck in there...
Lincoln City, OR
Williams Family Fun Time at the Beach (Sound cheesy enough?)

Harper's first beach experience. She started out pretty happy...but it was awfully cold. She changed her mind pretty quickly.

Everyone is happier at the beach!


Isn't it lovely?

The Oregon Coast is notorious for it's cool weather. The first day we got there was pretty typical--windy and overcast, but not TOO freezing. We tried again the next day--REALLY freezing and SO windy. The last day was okay. Next year she will be more into it, I think. But it was fun to see her in a new place.


Love sister time

Harper loves her Papi. She especially loves his voice. So cute to see them together.

"I love Grandma she loves me...."

Chase made a set of "Dangly Balls" aka Ladder Toss. Here is Lance trying to transport 2 sets home all at once. No need to make 2 trips when you have him around.

She's becoming quite the sitter.

While we were there Mom & Dad celebrated their 27th Wedding Anniversary. To celebrate we went to a yummy restaurant. And they somehow ended up paying...how did that happen? It was yummy and fun.
Happy anniversary Mom & Dad! Thank you for the wonderful example of what a happy marriage is and should be...and will always be. We love you!

There are more pictures (of Harper) but they must be on my parents' camera. We had a great time and were sad to leave. We stayed in a GORGEOUS house with an awesome view and hot tub and everything we needed. G&G Cloyd and Aunt Trudy also came, which was fun. I love being with family and miss them so much. And I especially love seeing them with Harper.
Can't wait until next year!
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