July was a BUSY month! It felt like we were never home. But what a fun month it was. First was the Fly Family Reunion in Cascade, ID (which I already blogged about) then Megan Fly Hollenback's college graduation from BYU-I (LOVE YOU MEGS! CONGRATULATIONS!) then the Oregon Coast with the Williams family. (Wanna go back, anyone?) All such fun.
The pictures mostly document what Harper did at all these places...you can assume we were there, too. :)
Rexburg, ID
Megan's Graduation from BYU-I

Megan, the beautiful grad

Hmmm...someone snuck in there...
Lincoln City, OR
Williams Family Fun Time at the Beach (Sound cheesy enough?)

Harper's first beach experience. She started out pretty happy...but it was awfully cold. She changed her mind pretty quickly.

Everyone is happier at the beach!


Isn't it lovely?

The Oregon Coast is notorious for it's cool weather. The first day we got there was pretty typical--windy and overcast, but not TOO freezing. We tried again the next day--REALLY freezing and SO windy. The last day was okay. Next year she will be more into it, I think. But it was fun to see her in a new place.


Love sister time

Harper loves her Papi. She especially loves his voice. So cute to see them together.

"I love Grandma she loves me...."

Chase made a set of "Dangly Balls" aka Ladder Toss. Here is Lance trying to transport 2 sets home all at once. No need to make 2 trips when you have him around.

She's becoming quite the sitter.

While we were there Mom & Dad celebrated their 27th Wedding Anniversary. To celebrate we went to a yummy restaurant. And they somehow ended up paying...how did that happen? It was yummy and fun.
Happy anniversary Mom & Dad! Thank you for the wonderful example of what a happy marriage is and should be...and will always be. We love you!

There are more pictures (of Harper) but they must be on my parents' camera. We had a great time and were sad to leave. We stayed in a GORGEOUS house with an awesome view and hot tub and everything we needed. G&G Cloyd and Aunt Trudy also came, which was fun. I love being with family and miss them so much. And I especially love seeing them with Harper.
Can't wait until next year!
i love this post! sooo cute megs! what beautiful family we have! i miss your faces smiels laughs EVERYTHING! especially lil harper squeeze! so fun. i am jealous of the coast--it looks so nice... and twilight ish hahahahaha
love it all. love you!
oh thanks so much sweet meg! im glad you guys were there to support me :) and as always love the fun photos. i cant wait for our family vacation next summer at the oregon coast, yay! love you!
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