For China's National Day holiday, our boss, Colin, planned a trip to Shaoshan for all of us. (The university planned AND paid for everthing.) Shaoshan is the hometown of Mao Zedong, China's most famous leader. He is quite popular here. Shaoshan is only about an hour from Xiangtan so we really didn't have to travel far. Here are some photos from our trip.

Chase & I in front of Mao Zedong's childhood home.

Us with some of the kids in our group in front of the huge statue of Chairman Mao.

A cool pagoda....very Chinese.

Chase drinking from the fountain of youth? We dunno...but everyone was doing it so Chase jumped in. Now that you mention it...he is looking quite handsome as of late...

An example of Chase's handsomness....

This is me with Mindia...another one of the foreign teachers. He is eccentric. Anyway, I only put it up so you could see the tiger's head. This is what Chase and I are sitting on in the previous picture, but somehow it didn't make it into our photo.
Chase & I after we hiked a bajillion stairs up to Mao's grandparents' graves. The graves were insignificant to us, but the views were beautiful. Unfortunately they don't translate well into photos so you just get to see us...again.

Us at dinner with one of Colin's colleagues. You can see some of what we eat. Most of it is very delicious...even the whole fish sitting in broth. =)
Those signs are great!! And I want to be friends with Mindia. He looks awesome. :) Not so into the whole fish. I kind of threw up a little in my mouth.
You would like Mindia...never a dull moment. And the fish is actually good. You just can't stare it in the eye.
grandma everything that i have seen, glad you like fish, that is not one of myaven,t had a lot of luck making my favoritte foods. haven,t had alot of luck making my machine work so hpoe this flys.
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