The Chinese have their National Day holiday where everyone in the country gets one week off. They are encouraged to travel, so since we are living like the Chinese we decided to travel like the Chinese! I already blogged about the beginning of our National Day holiday trip--when we went to Shaoshan. We got back from Shaoshan Tuesday afternoon and left for Feng Huang Wednesday night. We took an overnight train (9:30 p.m.-4:30 a.m.) and arrived in Feng Huang on Thursday morning. Here are our adventures from that day. We were so exhausted from not sleeping on the sleeper train (oxymoron) that we played it pretty low-key and just perused this beautiful, ancient city.

Me with some Miao people--the ethnic minority people from this area. (Later in our trip the lady in the front would harass us for money after she asked to be in a picture with us. A little Chinese trickery...)

The bridge.....that is cool and probably really old.

These are all kinds of dried fish. It stunk so bad!

The beautiful, ancient city. This city is the epitome of what I imagined China to be like. Ancient buildings with pointy corners and beautiful landscapes.

Crossing an ancient (maybe?) walkway...cement blocks in the river. It was fun.

A souvenir we DID NOT buy.

Yes, people ate these....grubs. A lot of them were still moving (maybe that makes them more delicious) and we saw them everywhere. They seriously grossed me out. Just imagine GIANT MAGGOTS squirming around. EWWW!

This was some kind of local treat. They pull it like taffy (see the strapping Chinese man in the background?) and then let it cool and snap it into pieces. It smelled sweet and delicious and it kind of was, but it was also spicy. What is it with this place and putting spicy into everything...even their candy?!

I'm sure many people got drunk on brandy and....whisry? Hmmm....interesting.

A cool masked guy and me....don't mind the lazy eye. That's what happens when I'm tired. I do look a little crazy, don't I?

Beautiful night shots...good job Chase! Isn't it just beautiful? We just sat and enjoyed the romantic surroundings....along with thousands of others. =)

Such an artistic photo!
I kind of want to throw up from the bug eating. Gag! That place looks amazing!! I'm seriously SO FLIPPING jealous that you're experience so much coolness.
I am so jealous, this looks like such an amazing trip! Stop being so cool and just move back to the U.S. like normal people.
love all the pics! you guys look so good (even tired!). We miss you. these photos will just get more and more special as you get older! Such character! (everything--everyone). Funny comments--crazy music! Enjoy every minute! We love you both!
Mama Fly
love it meg. proud of you for updating. i've been postponing it, we have too many photos to share.
love you sis!
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