Beautiful Feng Huang

A giant bull....which was anatomically correct, I might add.

A great view of the town from an ancient bridge.

We randomly happened upon a group of Chinese people gathering to do some Tai chi. It was very entertaining. All kinds of people came to participate in this relaxing activity in the middle of a bustling city.

Kylie & Spencer found this place where you could "create your own masterpiece" so we tried it out. Imagine tie-dye, but without the rubber bands and with an actual picture. The first step was to draw an image...here I am trying to do that.

Then you use this little tool to pour hot wax over the negative space--the space you want to stay white when you dip it in the dye. We are attempting to do this....

Chase's waxed product.

My waxed product.

Chase dipping it in the indigo dye.

Me doing the same.

Us with our finished products (and the cute Chinese artist who helped us.) Mine is a phoenix (the female counterpart to the dragon...it is Feng Huang...the name of the city we were in), Chase's is a landscape of Yangshuo, where we took our first trip, and Kylie & Spencer's is an adorable panda. This activity was SO fun and probably my favorite thing we did there. It only cost 60 Yuan (about $8.50) per person for a fun activity and GREAT souvenirs!
Those pictures are awesome!! The ones you "tie-dyed". And the anotmical bull. No pictures of the exactness of its parts? :(
mckenna beat me,when i started to look at your pictures,,yes i,m afraid of heights,,can,t wait to see your tye-dyes they look gorgoues[can't spell].what is in front of you meg as you sit on the rock. love you more than you know. moogam
We're all jealous! When you were courting and getting married, who would have thought such an experience lay ahead! Wow, I've been to China, but I did not see all the wonderful things you have enjoyed! I was relegated to the very commercial, westernized view of Beijing. I saw some incredible sites there, too, just not to the extent that you guys have enjoyed! Soak it up and enjoy! Love, Dad
PS - I love the artwork too! Take good notes and let's learn how to do that here! Dad
proud of megan. proud proud proud.
We are loving your blog. Keep the photos coming. We wish we could come visit you.Keep living it up!
Megan!!! I am so happy you have a blog! I do much much better at this and keeping in touch than Facebook...sorry :) I love your pictures. It looks like you guys are having a blast! I miss our fun girls times in Ukraine...you have to promise me when you get back we will FINALLY do a reunion! :) When are you coming back anyway? Also, do any other of the girls besides Lisa and us have a blog?
Just wanted you to know that I am still loving your emails. I love hearing from you both. Can you believe that you are already half way done with teaching. Time flys when you are having fun. We are just keeping busy with football, soccer, volleyball, scouts, YW, etc. It is crazy. Well love you.
Love Bryn
Love the art! I haven't commented for a long time, but I do check in frequently. I miss you guys. You really are having an opportunity of a lifetime--how cool to share it together. Love ya!
i vote new post!!!! more stories and photos! love you :)
oh, and yes, our internet has been working. it wasn't working on the desktop, but we got it to work on our laptop. weird! love you meg! new post coming soon i hope! give me something to look at haha
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