

I have had requests for pictures of our house. We are renting a cute, old house in the east end of Boise. If you know anything about Boise, the east end has a reputation. Granola. Priuses. Bicycles. Recycling. Organic. Peace Love & Harmony. So we fit in well...with our old Honda Civic, loud motorcycle, huge army green Chevy blazer and our non-organic food. But we really love it. So here are a few pictures. We've also just planted a garden(everyone PLEASE pray something grows) but it's too early to take pictures because things are still tiny. (And it's raining outside and I have a sleeping baby on my chest so I really don't want to go take pictures.) But if things start to grow I'll share photos then. These photos were taken a couple months ago, so things look better now, but you get the idea.

(What you can't see is that behind that carport is a detached garage that is probably as big as the house. A TON of storage.)

Deck and backyard
That strip on the left (kind of hard to see) is where our garden is planted. And you can see that we've planted some things in pots on the deck. That's what happens when you get plant-happy in a nursery.

From the back fence looking at the house
(Detached garage on your left)


View #1 of Harper's room

View #2 of Harper's room
Please notice the painting Brenda (Chase's mom) did for her. LOVE IT! It matches perfectly.

Living room view #1-from the front door.
The space behind this couch will be a craft area as soon as I get a desk to put against the wall under that big 4-panel wall hanging.

Living room view #2.
I now have lovely curtains to hang on the big window. Now I just need to iron them and hang them up. I will....soon.


Laundry room.
(LOVE having a laundry room!)

Our bedroom.
With a cute baby.
And yes, it is bare. It will forever be the last room we decorate. But I do want to do a cute headboard of some kind. Suggestions??

And would it be a blog post without a picture of the Harpo? I don't think so. This is her new favorite toy--her exersaucer. She can't totally sit up in it yet, but she's content with leaning. And it beats lying down...she's SO over lying down! That's for babies.


The babe

An update...

Cuddling with her Mama...I love it!

On a nice, springy day. (Which have come and gone. We are FINALLY getting some sunshine and warmer weather again.)

This was at my parents' house. She liked taking a bath with that other cute baby. :)

We had a great (albeit too short) weekend at my family's house. Our pictures turned out GREAT (thanks Aubrey & Sam!)...I will share them as soon as I get them. We had fun just hanging out and talking and eating. (Got to fit in the Cafe Rio and Taco Amigo whenever you can.) Harper was the star of the show wherever we went, but what else is new? I also went with my mom to the nursery where she works to pick out plants for our garden. I am trying out my green thumb and hoping something will grow.

Harper just had her 4 month check up (she's actually 4 1/2 months) and she's doing great! She came in at 14 lbs 2 oz (75th percentile), 25 3/4 in long (97th percentile) and 80th percentile for head circumference. So we have a tall girl with a big head. :) That's the girl we love!

(Here's a sneak peek at the family photos...just to get you excited)