I'd just like to officially welcome Spring into our midst. Don't know what the weather is like where you are, but here it is absolutely gorgeous!!
Okay, now on to the real reason I'm posting (and the real reason anyone ever looks at this blog)...pictures of Harper! I'll try to keep the words to a minimum and let the pictures speak for themselves. :)

Bath time with the typical bath face...neither happiness nor sadness, just a little concern.

(Sorry, it won't turn. Sometimes I hate blogger.) Harper loves to nap on Daddy's chest. Chase is happy to oblige.

In February Harper got RSV. It was pretty scary. So hard to see her sick and having such a hard time breathing. To help her breathe we had to give her breathing treatments with an inhaler hooked up to this chamber. Sometimes she's smile through the whole thing, but usually she'd scream. After nearly 2 weeks being sick she finally got over it and has been great ever since!

My mom came to visit back in February...just because. It was so great to have her here. Harper clearly loves her.

Isn't this the cutest? Daddy and Daughter just smiling at one another. I love it. I love them.

For some reason I love her all snuggled in her car seat. She just looks so plump and adorable.

Harper playing with her cousin, Bennett. They're pals.

This is clearly an outfit chase got for Harper. It's from Cabelas. He's bought her 2 outfits all on his own...and they're both camouflage items.

She's finally graduated out of being bundled. She likes to have her arms free..."stick 'em up" style.

Easter. In her adorable Easter dress my mom made for her. She looked so cute. She's such a happy girl!

Pooped out from all the Easter festivities.

Look at how big she is! She can hold her head up pretty well. Still a bit wobbly but she loves to look all around and see the world.

(Again, sorry...won't rotate.) This was last Sunday. This is the same outfit she wore when we had photos taken when she was a week old. She definitely fills it out more now! I think it's adorable--very girly!

My two favorite people in the world, hanging out together. Chase was doing something on the computer and she was so interested in whatever it was. I was trying to capture that but got big smiles from both of them instead. Priceless.
We are all doing well. Chase is getting ready to start the summer field season at work, which means that he'll get to ride around the forest on a 4-wheeler again instead of staring at a computer screen. He's obviously excited. I'm blessed to stay home with Harper-loo. About a month ago I started babysitting a little 2-year-old girl named Anna. It's full time and is working out really well. It's nice to be able to contribute financially while staying home with the babe. Best of both worlds.
We just moved into a little house (still renting, not buying) that is about 4 blocks from our apartment. Kind of a pain to move again, but so worth it. We have so much more space and a yard and a deck and we just love it. Now I need to get some vegetable plants and flowers and get the place dressed up. We are in our same ward, which we love, and we love living in Boise.
Life is good. We are headed to Utah this weekend to get family pictures taken with my fam. SO excited for that! My mom is the only one that has seen Harper (and Chase and I...but we're not important) since her blessing. It's been waaaay too long! Wish us luck on our first travelling adventure with Little Miss!
Fun!! It's fun to FINALLY get caught up a little! You really need to update more often. :) And I'm guessing I'm not the only one who thinks so!!
WOW! a new house that is so great! a patio and yard! i cant believe it. such grown ups now. and harp is getting so big you guys seriously made the cutest baby i've ever seen.
Yay for blog updates! It looks like you guys are keeping busy! Harper is sooo cute! It's fun to see what your family is up to!
oh she is just an adorable angel! i am so excited for you guys and your house i love it. and cant wait to see you again! have fun in utah.
So cute! Love the pictures of her looking at chase. I need your new address so I can send you some "hair" accessories...
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