I'm a bit behind on many things, but I thought I'd at least get a little caught up on the baby stuff. So here are a few pictures:

As far as the baby goes, we're in the final countdown. I'm going to the doctor every week now. We just had another ultrasound (that's a total of 4 ultrasounds...yes, we've loved every one) last Monday because our little girl measured quite big in her previous ultrasound, so the doc wanted to make sure she still wasn't that large. And she wasn't--she's right in the 50th percentile for height and weight. It was fun to see her again...we even got to see some chubby little cheeks. So cute!
We still haven't decided on a name. We thought it was going to be Chloe, but then someone got burned out on it and decided that it was becoming too common. So we began exploring other options and have a few solid leads. I have a feeling it will be a delivery room decision.
Other than that, we're making final preparations for this precious girl and are enjoying the last of our time as just the two of us.
Thank you for all the love and support we've received from so many of you. We love you! And a very special thank you to all of you who gave marvelous advice in response to my HELP WANTED ad. If you think of other stuff, I'm all ears!
We still haven't decided on a name. We thought it was going to be Chloe, but then someone got burned out on it and decided that it was becoming too common. So we began exploring other options and have a few solid leads. I have a feeling it will be a delivery room decision.
Other than that, we're making final preparations for this precious girl and are enjoying the last of our time as just the two of us.
Thank you for all the love and support we've received from so many of you. We love you! And a very special thank you to all of you who gave marvelous advice in response to my HELP WANTED ad. If you think of other stuff, I'm all ears!
I'm so jealous. So, I have an idea. Let's switch. You love being pregnant so much and I HATE it! So let's trade! I'll skip ahead to only a month to go and you can run on back to 6 1/2 months left. You'd enjoy 6 1/2 more months of the wiggling, right? And I'm not sick or anything (well, at least not pregnancy related sick) so you can enjoy another 6 1/2 months of easy peasy pregnanct and all that wiggling! And I can be done. Because I am done. And I've only just started. :(
Super cute nursery stuff!! I love refinishing stuff, so I'll be excited to see once you redo those pieces.
And as for the chubby face thing...I think you look great! But I understand. My face always balloons the last month or so too. Hate it. I'd so much rather my butt or thighs explode or something. At least then I could lie to myself when I looked in the mirror and saw a normal face. :)
You look super cute! Your nursery is super cute too! We're so excited for you guys and can't wait to see pictures of your adorable little girl. I think I too will miss the wiggling. It's a very special connection. Love it! Congrats again...can't wait to see what's next!
so so sooo exciting megs and chasey!! man i CANT WAIT to see you guys and check out the apt! looks so nice! so much cute stuff! and i spied the triplet vanity! is that now becoming lil fly baby's? do you still see the engravings that say "kylie lisa and megan's" on the side? haha we have officialy marked that property as ours, but i see how it is...hahaha
your blog is so cute i love the updates! i cant wait to meet your lil baby girl and see your apartment. things for you guys sound so good right now :) love you!
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