On Monday, Chase & I went to an orphanage here in Xiangtan with another American couple. It was a lot of fun. The orphanage had about 40 children as well as an old-folks home. We were only able to play with the children for a few minutes, but what a precious time it was. I loved making them laugh....they had the cutest little gigles. In one room there were about 15 cribs for these little tikes. The "Moms" of the orphanage love those kids very much, you could tell. But I my heart still ached for them and I wanted to bring what happiness I could. So we played peek-a-boo and tickled and laughed together. They were so sweet. We were only in that room less than a half hour and the kids had to stay in their cribs, but I think they had fun. They were such sweet spirits (many of them had physical and/or mental handicaps) and it was evident to both Chase and me that Heavenly Father knows and loves these little ones. He does not leave them alone; He blesses them with happiness and with a special knowledge that He lives. How blessed we all are to have the same knowledge and comfort.

This little guy LOVED to be tickled!

When we first saw these, we didn't know what they were. Why do you need troughs next to the stairs in an elementary school? But we learned that they are slides for the kids to go down...you know, stairs are too boring and difficult, so why not slide down? I think Chase was a little bummed he was too big to fit.
How fun for you guys to go. I have always wanted to visit an orphanage. I do not think that I could have left without one of those children. We are so blessed and have so much to share.
okay,so this is weird and please don't be offended Megan...
I didn't recognize you before but to be fair the only time I've seen you was from across the lawn at Kylie's wedding reception. BUT you look so familiar in these pictures. I think Chase said you went to Skyview? Are sure it wasn't Caldwell? Ha ha j/k. Did you play softball? Dance team? Track or Cross country? Do you play the violin? okay, now I'm going to feel really silly if I've actually met you before.
p.s. my husband says you might be creeped out by this comment--but I'm not creepy, just can't put my finger on where I've seen you before.
oh yeah, I'm Kayla Christensen-Parker, a friend of the Flys from Vallivue
Now that I have the internet again I finally caught up on your blog!! Although, I have to admit, you write a lot, so really I looked at the pictures and did a lot of skimming. :) But it seems like you're still having a freaking blast. And I'm still freaking jealous. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
Yeah that was fun going with you guys, thanks for coming with us. You were great with those kids. I bet you are having a ton of fun with all your traveling.
I am so jealous of all the fun traveling you are doing. Going to Europe is like my dream come true. It looks like you guys have had a blast in China. We miss you hear in America!
Haven't left any comments for awhile.I just love all the pictures and letting me be a part of your journey. Glad that you are having such a great time and WOW!! what an education. love grandma williams
Hey there! I love your blog! where do you find time to put this all together? ...wow! what amazing experiences you and chase are having! i hope you make it through salinas some time and we can see more pictures and here more of the details of your last year or so! sounds like you're getting a lot packed in! Take care, love you.
I'm expecting my wonderful vocation.Thank you for sharing me your precious memories in your holiday.
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