Merry Christmas!
Chase and I did the 12 days of Christmas as our Christmas present to Kylie and Spencer. We tricked them into thinking that Chinese students were leaving us both gifts for the 12 days of Christmas by leaving treats on both of our doors each day. We didn't think it would work, but apparently it did! They've been had! So this first picture is each day's message and I taped the delivered object. We tried to make the notes sound Chinese...I hope you can read them. Click on the image to make it larger. They're funny to us...but maybe you just have to be here.

This was the message for the 12th day of Christmas. We made them a dinner and revealed our true identities. Kylie was just the reaction we were looking for! Thanks, Ky!

Here is us eating our deliciours dinner. (No, that's not a typo, that's what the Chinese sound like when they say delicious.)

On Christmas Eve our boss took all of the foreign teachers to a 5-star hotel for dinner. It was a buffet that was 468 RMB per person, which equals $68.50 in US Dollars. That's OUTRAGEOUS! And what was even more outrageous was that the food was gross. We eat waaaay better food for about 20 RMB (about $3.00) that is incredible and fills us up. Anyway, the entertainment was LOUD and funny (Kylie will have to post those pictures) and typically Chinese. It was a fun experience.

Yes, gold people. Don't know what that has to do with Christmas, but they were fun.

Here is our home Christmas decor. Many Christmas cards from family and Chinese friends. So festive!

A couple of our Chinese friends bought us the Christmas tree, lights, and ornaments. It was so sweet and definitely made our apartment feel Christmasy!

Merry Christmas to everyone. We love you and hope that your Christmas was as special as ours.
Merry Christmas to you!!! Your apartment looks so cute. What are you going to do with the tree when you leave?? :)
Hi Chase and Megan,
We got such a kick out of reading Ky and Spencie's blog about the 12 Days...We are thrilled that you were able to bring some fun and hilarious laughter to their Christmas. Enjoy your travels and Happy New Year.
Marysue and Rick Turley (Spence's parents)
cute post! merry christmas :) i love you guys. you made it the best one ever.
Love you guys. I am glad that you had a good Christmas. Have a good New years too. I hear it can get pretty crazy over there.
Haha ~~
From the pictures I guess U and Fly must had a exciting Christmas Eve.
Because the headmaster cancled the party in the School of Foreign Studies, we had a very simple night. I just visited some of my close friends gave each of them an apple, as apple is a symbol of peace. (Apple's Chinese pronunciation make people think of "peace fruit". )For me, it was also of great enjoyment!
I hope that everyone will live a happy and peaceful life...
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