In downtown Xiangtan (about a 20 minute bus ride, costing 1 RMB=$.15) there are 3 American restuarants--KFC, McDonald's, and Pizza Hut. We were craving some familiar cuisine and decided to go to Pizza Hut. It was delicious! The cheese tasted a little different than home, and there were a bunch of pizzas that you would NEVER see in the US, but they had good 'ol pepperoni so we were in heaven.

This was on the wall in the Pizza Hut (which was really fancy, by the way). It doesn't make sense really, so I took a picture.

The two Chinese students you see in the pictures are Sheri & Austin. They helped us set up bank accounts earlier in the day so we could get paid (sort of important). They also showed us how to get to downtown. They love showing us things and taking us places and practicing their English with us. As a thank you for their help we treated them to pizza. Sheri had had it once and Austin never had. He picked his up upside down...funny. They were such a huge help and we love hanging out with them. Neither of them have taken English classes at this university and have gotten really good just by watching American movies. So sometimes they say funny phrases. For example, when we were standing around getting ready to go Austin said, "Okay, let's get the ball rolling." It was so funny!

Love Sheri's long hair. Is it real?
i love them. and mother, no, sheri's hair is extensions (fake!) crazy huh! it's actually at her ears!
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