The currency here is the Yuan (pronounce "you in") or RMB. The conversion rate is about 6.85 RMB to 1 USD ($). I usually just use 7:1 to estimate prices. I will now provide a list of common goods or services that we purchase with their accompanying prices (approximate):
· Can of Coke=2 RMB=$0.30
· Bottle of OJ or Tropicana=3 RMB=$0.40
· One-way bus fare=1 RMB=$0.15
· 10-15 minute taxi fare=14 RMB=$2
· DVD of Hancock, Get Smart, or other unreleased movies=7 RMB=$1
· Delicious breakfast pastry=1RMB=$0.15
· Big Mac Value Meal at McDonald's=21 RMB=$3
· 12 inch Pepperoni Pizza from Pizza Hut=88 RMB=$13
· Trip to supermarket for four days worth of food and miscellaneous household items=65 RMB= $9.70
· 5 gallon jug of purified water delivered to apartment=11 RMB=$1.65
· Snickers Bar=8 RMB=$1.15 (not so much savings on the rarely seen items)
· Costs and initial deposit to open bank account and get bank card=16 RMB=$2.30
· Full-day bicycle rental in Yangshuo=10 RMB=$1.50 (no deposit, no names, no signatures)
· Bamboo raft trip for 2 down Yulong River=150 RMB=$22
· Package deal for 2: bamboo raft trip, mud cave excursion, full-day bicycle rental, personal tour guides, bus ride to caves=300 RMB=$45
· Full dish of fried noodles and beef=10 RMB=$1.50
· One night stay for two at Bamboo House Inn in Yangshuo=150 RMB=$22