Back in August my mom and sister, Karli, came for a visit. It was SO fun to have them here. We did typical girl stuff....watched movies, ate delicious food, went out to eat, and relaxed. We also sewed. Mom helped me make a blanket for our little girl. It turned out BEAUTIFULLY! Thanks Mom!

My beautiful mom and me

My wonderful sis and me

Baby girl's perfect blanket

The lady folk at the end of the week. Thanks for coming...I miss you guys!

This is for those of you who are not close enough to see my growing belly. It's definitely poking out there! I guess that's how it's supposed to be at 25 weeks!
YAY for girls weekends and even MORE yay for BABY BUMP!!! YAAAAAY! I am so happy you put that up so I can see it! I wish I could just put my ear against it and listen to her wiggle :) So cute so lovely. P.S. LOVE the blankey. So cute. Miss you like crazy!
You look so much like your mom and sister! I am also thrilled to see the baby bump. Keep up with the posting!
You barely look prego Meg! Seriously I was a lot bigger by then! I don't think Mitch would know your friend because the got back in 2003, I will ask him though. I think I met Scooter at BYU when Chase was there, wasn't he his roommate with longer hair? Anyway glad you are doing well and that you had some visitors. Visitors are always fun!
lovin the new blog meg and all the baby updates! im so excited!!!!! you cute prego :) love you!!! have fun in cacade, your days there are coming to an end soon i presume.
So so Cute! Okay but no're five weeks ahead of me and I'm way bigger than you. I'm going to blame it on the fact that I'm having a boy...but seriously you look adorable. That blanket is so darling. I'm so happy for you guys!
LOVE the blog updates. LOVE!
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