...the mountains of Cascade, ID. Gorgeous. Chase's Grandma & Grandpa Fly have been gracious enough to let us live in their cabin in Cascade for free. It's a beautiful place with views of the lake and mountains. We love it up there and are excited to call it "home" for a little while. Chase's job will begin early May, so we'll be moving up there sometime around then. Now I'm just looking for a job in the Cascade/McCall area. Wish me luck!!
Other than that, we're having fun just hanging out with family and spending (more) time together. While we miss our traveling days, it's fun to be home with friends and family. A BIG THANK YOU to all of you who supported us while we were gone...through e mails, packages, and prayers. We really appreciate it.
Keep watching....hopefully I'll continue to blog. About what?? I'm not sure....
This is what we've been doing to "kill" time...HAHAHAHA! Don't worry, we only "killed" clay pigeons.
hahahaha. i feel ya dude, feel ya.
I know what you can do that will give you something to blog about and will definitely keep you from getting bored! :) I'll bet you can guess what it is...Yup! Get knocked up!! Produce a baby so that I can live vicariously (since I don't actually want to have one myself right now. I like sleeping through the night...sort of). :)
We might be seeing you a couple of times this summer then. My kids wanted to come to the cabin not over the 4th some time so I told grandma I would come help her clean it up for the 4th. With you living there I am sure it will be clean and then we can just have fun. I might leave Sterling behind for a couple of weeks to help grnadpa get everything ready, plus he likes to have a buddy around to do stuff with and we are all getting too old. Hope you won't mind us bargign in on you.
Are you kidding, Idaho is just as exciting as China! lol. No really, don't give up the blogging...keep em coming, we need to keep track of you two. :)
You look pretty serious with that gun! What are you up to? Are the High School kids rough? That's why I chose middle school....although I may end up subbing in Michigan so I may be in the same boat as you. How's life in Idaho?
So glad to have an update. I'm sure that Chase will really enjoy his new job and I'm sure you'll be snapped up (employment-wise)soon as well.
MEGAN...I LOVE YOU. and i think it's about time you blog something. i don't care what it is, but you need to do it. even if it's a picture of you on the toilet. just do it.
I'm sorry chase. Youre too busy jogging three times a week and looking at motorcycles on craigslist to get a job. I subbed :)
cute new blog picture! you guys are hot! whats new? miss you love you!
I love the new photo!
LOVING the background and the SEXY PICTURE AT THE TOP!! DAAAANG!! you two are just beautiful! i miss you :(
you're included! i put you in there too, you're my sister in law! but i did forget mother's day. darn.
since you died on blogger you're gonna get lots of comments from me. you need to come back to the blogging community or ELSE.
so truth is i posted it without mentioning your birthday. then i remembered a few hours later, and re-posted. but that was a pretty quick self-reminder, that maybe you caught me in between. then i read your comment and i was like, hey i already fixed it! and then i thought oh i forgot mother's day! so i added that today. haha. complex, i know.
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