...the mountains of Cascade, ID. Gorgeous. Chase's Grandma & Grandpa Fly have been gracious enough to let us live in their cabin in Cascade for free. It's a beautiful place with views of the lake and mountains. We love it up there and are excited to call it "home" for a little while. Chase's job will begin early May, so we'll be moving up there sometime around then. Now I'm just looking for a job in the Cascade/McCall area. Wish me luck!!
Other than that, we're having fun just hanging out with family and spending (more) time together. While we miss our traveling days, it's fun to be home with friends and family. A BIG THANK YOU to all of you who supported us while we were gone...through e mails, packages, and prayers. We really appreciate it.
Keep watching....hopefully I'll continue to blog. About what?? I'm not sure....
This is what we've been doing to "kill" time...HAHAHAHA! Don't worry, we only "killed" clay pigeons.