Time for the monthly post....
Pictures are loaded backwards with the most recent first. Oops!

Learning to sit...with a little help.

LOVE when she falls asleep in the car. (Because it's adorable AND because she usually stays asleep once we get in the house for quite a while longer. Unless, of course, we're in Cascade at the cabin and when I take her out of the car a cow in the pasture in front of the house moos LOUDLY and wakes her right up. I coulda butchered that cow right there.) My Grandma Cloyd made this dolly for Harper when she was born. I think it's adorable and Harper is beginning to play with it more. Mostly the hair.

This is how Harper "ate" solids the first couple weeks of baby food. Anything from squash to bananas, she would just hang her mouth open and refuse to swallow until there was enough saliva in her mouth to just ooze the food right out. She's MUCH better now.

We went to Horsethief Reservoir for a family picnic by the water. Chase did a little fishin and Harper wouldn't have it.

She's more of a sit-by-the-water-and-read kind of gal, like her mama.

Chase's big catch.

Happy face

(Gotta have one sideways picture per post, don't ya? Dang Blogger.) This was over the 4th of July at the cabin in Cascade. On the last day. We were pretty tuckered out so we snuggled up on the couch on the porch for a nice snooze.

Harper and her Great-Grandpa Fly

Playing with cousin, Madelyn.

That Mady makes some priceless faces. Love that girl.

At the parade in good 'ol downtown Cascade for the 4th.

This is what happens when Daddy & Daughter "pack" together. Notice the shoes and other items strewn upon the bed. They must have been tuckered out from all the hard work. :)

Visiting Harper's Great-Grandpa Williams

and Great-Grandma Williams

My BFF Ashley (Wasden) Crafton had a baby boy, Marshall, about a month before I had Harper. They are already in love. (We didn't pose them like this. They were both on the floor and Marshall crawled over to Harper and snuggled right in. Harper was happy to oblige.)

More of Harper trying not to eat.

This was her first rice cereal experience. She made funny faces at first, but did okay. It was once we introduced flavored baby foods that she put up a fuss.

A day at the park. We live near A LOT of gorgeous parks. It's fun to go for a walk and hang out.

That oughtta do me until August! We're actually going to the Oregon Coast (Lincoln City) with my family next week, so I'm sure there will be stories to tell and pictures to share from that. And I'm sure blogging will be the first thing I do when we get back. Either that or load pictures to facebook. :) Or neither.
P.S. Harper will be 7 months next week!