Harper Danielle Fly

Harper was born on December 26, 2009 at 2:05 p.m. in Boise, Idaho. She weighed 6 lbs 14 oz and was 20 inches long.
We checked in to the hospital at 7 a.m. for me to be induced. My body was already quite "progressed" (don't want to get too detailed) and my doctor wasn't going to be in the following week (the week of my due date) due to her being summoned for jury duty, so we opted for a voluntary induction on the 26th. Not necessarily my first choice of dates, but at least it wasn't Christmas Day. We checked in, I got hooked up to the IVs and then we played the waiting game for a little while. I was having contractions every 3 minutes or so, but they weren't very strong and then about 10:30 my doctor came in and broke my water and almost immediately the contractions started coming about every 2 minutes and were getting progressively stronger. After about 20 minutes of pretty good pain I got my epidural (which really wasn't terrible at all) and life was great after that. A couple more hours of labor and about an hour of pushing and our little Harper was here! I was happy I got to enjoy my birthing process and wasn't in such excruciating pain that I couldn't enjoy the moment. And such a sweet experience to have that brand new baby placed right on my chest. She calmed right down and we got to have that sweet bonding experience. Chase and Harper and I just stared at one another and the joy at that moment was beyond explanation. As cliche as it sounds, your life really does change in that instant. I saw it in myself and I saw it in Chase. And everyday since I've seen little changes in both of us and it's wonderful. We love this little girl and we love each other and we're so happy to be a growing family!
Here are some pictures taken by Chase's wonderfully talented sister, Kylie, when Harper was only 6 days old. Thanks again, Kylie! We love them! And we love you!

Coming home...she's so tiny!!
Already a daddy's girl...and he's already wrapped around her little finger. :) So sweet to see.
We love our little Harper and are so grateful she joined our family.