Well, I have convinced myself that I don't need a picture in order to post something on here. Chase currently has the camera and so I can't post any pictures, but I can tell you about what's been happening with us lately! I have been a traveling fool the last few days. I hit the road with my mother-in-law on Friday, headed for Oregon. We stayed at her sister's for a couple days. I learned how to extract honey from beehives, went to Caledonian Days (Scottish festival), and did A LOT of reading and eating. Fun.
Now I am at the Wintrode residence for a couple days with Molly. We have become blogging buds. Tomorrow we will be going to the Cheese Factory....and Les Schwab, since I have a almost-flat tire! =(
On Tuesday I will pick up Chase and we will go camping in the wilderness. I haven't seen Chase in 8 days....so I am a bit anxious. We will get pictures up soon. I am enjoying the vagabond (and unemployed) life.....but ready for a little....something different.